[FRANCE] Casting extras M/F 25/35 with police uniform for series

For a TV series we are looking for:

– nice women and men, all ethnicities, 25/35 years old with the police uniform

Shooting between 24/11 and 16/12 in the Paris region

Figu tv unif price

Submit your application by email to boitemailpourCasting@gmail.com with:

+ 1 portrait and 1 full-length photo

+ surname, first name, your email address (in this order, thank you)

+ height, weight, jacket size, pants size

+ specify if you are available on 24/11

with subject cop with unif + your age



.  Attention! Do not accept or send money to anyone until you have worked. In case of suspicious request, do not hesitate to contact us quickly at contact@mymotheragency.com