A meeting with VICTOR POLSTER.

A perfect stranger to audiences until a few months ago, Victor Polster emerged as a young talent to watch in Girl, a film directed by Lukas Dhont and presented at the latest Cannes Film Festival. In it, he plays Lara, a fifteen-year-old girl trapped in a boy’s body and determined to become a prima ballerina. In his very first foray into film, the Belgian dancer offers up a stunning performance that impressed the Un Certain Regard jury enough to earn him the Best Performance award. We chatted with the teenage wonder about his bright future on stage and screen.

Source: CRASH

Devinez où Wes Anderson tournera son prochain film.

devinez où wes anderson tournera son prochain film

Petit indice : on y mange des cagouilles…
Voilà deux mois que les fans de Wes Anderson diggent les internets à la recherche d’infos sur son prochain film. Pied de nez aux digital natives, c’est dans le quotidien régional Charente Libre que le monde a appris la nouvelle : le réalisateur multiprimé a choisi Angoulême comme décor de son nouveau film.

Source: i-D