Scarlett Hooft Graafland.

Scarlett Hooft Graafland | Metal Magazine

The moment after the camera clicks is ever lost in real time, but is conversely ensnared forever by the eye of the lens. Scarlett Hooft Graafland’s photography deals directly with this sense of paradoxical transience and permanence in her exhibition Vanishing Traces at the Fotografiska museum in Stockholm, available to the public until September 8. Graafland has said that through her photography, she “creates her own landscapes” by taking almost surreal and yet natural, monumental settings and making them her own through the addition of figures and colour.

Source: METAL

Taylor Swift on Sexism, Scrutiny, and Standing Up for Herself.

Taylor Swift on Sexism, Scrutiny, and Standing Up for Herself

Celebrated, canceled, obsessed over—is Taylor Swift our most endlessly debated pop star? With a new album, and a newly assertive political voice, she opens up to Abby Aguirre about sexism, scrutiny, and standing up for herself. Photographed by Inez & Vinoodh.

Source: VOGUE

Pourquoi Lee Ufan est-il une star de l’art contemporain ?

Pourquoi Lee Ufan est-il une star de l’art contemporain ?

Ses installations, sculptures et toiles minimales et épurées, régies par les forces silencieuses de la nature et la précision du geste, ont fait sa notoriété. Lee Ufan, 83 ans, est l’un des artistes coréens les plus célèbres et appréciés en Occident. Jusqu’au 30 septembre, le Centre Pompidou-Metz lui consacre une exposition intitulée “Habiter le temps” : l’occasion de passer en revue les forces qui font de cet artiste un véritable phénomène de l’art contemporain.

Source: NUMERO

Linda McCartney Retrospective.

Linda McCartney Retrospective | Metal Magazine

Linda McCartney returns in spirit to the country she loved, Scotland, in the upcoming retrospective at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. The exhibition features images and items of Linda’s that have never before been on display in the United Kingdom. The photographs range from the beginning of her career in the 1960s until her death in 1998, so one can follow her life from the explosive music scene of the ‘60s, to her humbled world as a loving mother. Open to the public until the 12th of January 2020, the exhibition has been dubbed one of the most highly anticipated exhibitions of this year.

Source: METAL

Dominic Hawgood.

Dominic Hawgood | Metal Magazine

From July 12 to October 13, Foam Amsterdam will be showcasing the work of cross-disciplinary artist Dominic Hawgood (1980, United Kingdom). Titled Casting Out the Self, Hawgood’s exhibition is inspired by the effect of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a drug he personally experienced as ‘“a transfer into the digital realm”. This series heightens a delusory environment where both physical and digital worlds meet.

Source: METAL

Giulio Di Sturco.

Giulio Di Sturco | Metal Magazine

Coming from four generations of photographers, Giulio Di Sturco seemed destined to accomplish great things with a camera in hand. And definitely, thanks to his hard work and talent, he’s made his mark on the world. After working as a photojournalist for several years, he decided to turn his lens into something else. The result? A ten-year-long project, the series Ganga Ma, through which he’s been able to capture the true image and essence of India by choosing one of its greatest landmarks: the Ganges river.

Source: METAL

Découvrez les lauréats de l’Andam 2019.

Découvrez les lauréats de l’Andam 2019

Ils étaient 13 finalistes hier soir au Prix de l’Andam, célèbre concours ouvert aux jeunes talents qui dessineront la mode de demain. L’année dernière, le Prix de  L’Andam avait récompensé notamment la marque Atlein et les créations sensuelles de Ludovic de Saint-Sernin. Jugés par les yeux experts de Nathalie Dufour (présidente du Prix l’Andam), Guillaume Houzé (président du groupe des Galeries Lafayette), Harley Weir (photographe) ou encore Martin Margiela (le designer premier lauréat du Prix en 1989), voici les quatre lauréats de la sélection éclectique de l’année 2019.

Source: NUMERO

Copenhagen Photo Festival 2019 | Metal Magazine

Copenhagen Photo Festival 2019 | Metal Magazine

A few weeks ago, we attended Scandinavia’s biggest photography event, Copenhagen Photo Festival. People from Denmark and abroad had the chance to see and participate in various exhibitions, events, workshops, city walks, an auction and artist talks. Local and international media has been covering happenings throughout the city for ten days, introducing works of established and emerging photographers to the world.

Source: METAL

Le photographe Jean-Baptiste Mondino exposé à Paris, au Studio des Acacias.

Le photographe Jean-Baptiste Mondino exposé à Paris, au Studio des Acacias

Réalisateur virtuose et photographe à la reconnaissance internationale, Jean-Baptiste Mondino expose 20 ans de collaboration avec Numéro, au Studio des Acacias by Mazarine du 5 au 20 juillet prochains.

Source: NUMERO

Alex Prager.

Alex Prager | Metal Magazine

After receiving the Foam Paul Huf award in 2012, photographer and filmmaker Alex Prager is having her second exhibition at Foam Amsterdam. However, this is the first time her show presents a retrospective spanning all her career and work (both photo and film). On view until September 4 and titled Silver Lake Drive, the solo show contains a compilation of her many distinctive and cinematic photo series and films.

Source: METAL


Mar+Vin | Metal Magazine

Two gay Northeastern Brazilians are defying the country’s fashion scene’s status quo by being themselves, pushing inclusivity to become ‘the new normal’, and creating stories with a symbolic background. Neither Marcos nor Kelvin studied photography; actually, one is a graphic designer and the other, a journalist. But together, they’ve become Mar+Vin, a visual creative couple that knows no boundaries when it comes to beauty, fashion, but also politics. We speak with them to get an insight into Brazil’s current fashion industry, how racism still plays a major role in every aspect of society and creativity, and how are they fighting the current ultra-conservative government.

Source: METAL

Hannah Wilke.

Hannah Wilke | Metal Magazine

The Tyler School of Art (Philadelphia, United States) welcomes back illustrious former student Hannah Wilke in posthumous exhibition Hannah Wilke: Sculpture in the Landscape with a compelling series of rare photographs and prints, including her innovative Gum in Landscapeseries. Ending July 12, the collection is presented in collaboration with the Hannah Wilke Collection & Archive.

Source: METAL


Videoland | Metal Magazine

Ten years. Eleven video art pieces. Twelve artists. Welcome to Videoland, the exhibition celebrating the tenth anniversary of Kunsthal KAdE, in Amersfoort (Netherlands). Until September 1, the Dutch institution celebrates the milestone by programming eleven filmic artworks – mainly from the Ekard collection – that, as they explain, “in some way balance the experience of a specific moment with a sense of eternity”.

Source: METAL

Zhang Kechun | Metal Magazine

Zhang Kechun | Metal Magazine

Mountains and rivers are very significant for the Chinese and their culture. What is clear is that photographer Zhang Kechun masterly captures the traditional significance of the landscape, portraying the ecology of its magnificent natural phenomena. Human traces are still visible, the omnipresent urbanization and the ongoing industrial development. The last few decades have witnessed tremendous changes and that is exactly what he wants to convey: the uneasiness around such rapid evolution.

Source: METAL

Jerry Hsu.

Jerry Hsu | Metal Magazine

The Beautiful Flower Is The World, out May 21 by Anthology Editions, is a pro-skater-cum-photographer’s 288 pages of bootleg, irony and a type of “tragicomic” (as Jesse Pearson describes in the book’s foreword) beauty unique to skate culture. Even the title is ripped off of a child’s t-shirt. This is Jerry Hsu’ssecond print release, photographed between skating and running his clothing brand Sci-fi Fantasy. Featuring unplanned snapshots of a hopeful poppy in the tarmac, a haunting eye amongst a box of chopped raw flesh and shrooms on pizza; escapism, beauty, ugliness and tension punctuate his series.

Source: METAL