Seeking Moksha, Reflective Images That Document The Himalayan Landscape And Its Dwellers.

Seeking Moksha, Reflective Images That Document The Himalayan Landscape And Its Dwellers – IGNANT

The inaugural print publication and photographic series of visual artist and photographer Nishant Shukla is Seeking Moksha; a body of work captured on film that…

Source: IGNANT

In Memory of Aretha Franklin, a Legendary Artist Who Had Style to Match Her Soul.

R.I.P. Aretha Franklin, Who Had Style to Match Her Soul

A look back at the Queen of Soul’s major fashion moments.

Days after news circulated about Aretha Franklin‘s failing health, the legendary artist reportedly passed away on Thursday, August 16, at the age of 76. While there are a few modern musical artists who have had a claim on being the Queen of Soul, there was only one who held the actual title.

Source: W magazine

Simon Burstall.

Simon Burstall | Metal Magazine

Twenty-seven years ago, a 16-year-old boy discovered the culture of raves in Sidney and immersed fully into it. He found a place to be, to have fun, to disconnect from the world and connect with people, to get inspired. At the end of the day, we all look for a place where we feel like we belong. Our community. Simon Burstall was just a teenager shooting his friends while having fun. Many people do so, but that simple fact can make a difference when there is talent running through your veins. It was Simon’s case.

Source: METAL

Le Festival ¡ Viva Villa ! s’exporte à Marseille❣️

Du 29 septembre au 7 octobre, la crème de la crème de la création contemporaine, toutes disciplines confondues, se réunira à Marseille à la Villa Méditerrannée.
Fondé en 2016, le Festival ¡ Viva Villa ! présentera les créations des artistes participant aux trois grandes résidences artistiques françaises : les prestigieuses Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis, la Villa Kujoyama à Kyoto et enfin, la Casa de Velázquez à Madrid.
Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer.


Les Rencontres d’Arles, 2 Juillet au 23 Septembre 18.

Accueil – Les Rencontres d’Arles

49ème édition!

Les Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles sont, chaque été depuis 1970, le premier festival de photographie de renommée internationale.

Expositions, projections, stages de photographie, débats, lectures de portfolios…


Comment la nature a redéfini les codes de l’art contemporain.

Comment la nature a redéfini les codes de l’art contemporain

La nature a inspiré de nombreux artistes contemporains – des chefs de file du Land Art à Damien Hirst – et autant de commissaires d’exposition, invitant de par ses caractéristiques à questionner les normes en vigueur et le mythe du génie solitaire.


Les plus beaux livres de mode à posséder.

Les plus beaux livres de mode à posséder

Une sélection de portraits rares de Coco Chanel dans l’œil de Willy Rizzo, Karl Lagerfeld chez Fendi, Rome et ses merveilles par Valentino… a sélectionné les plus beaux livres de mode à posséder absolument dans sa bibliothèque.

Source: VOGUE

Corps flétris et looks Gucci dans un livre de Yorgos Lanthimos.

Corps flétris et looks Gucci dans un livre de Yorgos Lanthimos

Une villa antique à Rome, des statues poussièreuses, des corps nus diaphanes et des mannequins entièrement vêtus de la dernière collection Gucci Croisière 2020 : voilà un aperçu des clichés réalisés par le réalisateur grec Yorgos Lanthimos, rassemblés dans le sublime livre “Ωοτοκία“ (“Oviparity”), paru le 18 novembre dernier.

Source: NUMERO

Photo Vogue Festival 2019.

Photo Vogue Festival 2019 | Metal Magazine

Celebrating its fourth edition from November 14 to 17 and establishing itself as an unmissable event for fashion lovers and art lovers alike, this year’s Photo Vogue Festival will take place, once again, at Base Milano. Organized by Vogue Italia and under the very special guidance of its Senior Photo Editor, Alessia Glaviano, this year’s main three exhibitions will focus on artistic couple Inez & Vinoodh, artists outside the mainstream and familiar, and fashion films.

Source: METAL

Michael Jang.

Michael Jang | Metal Magazine

After almost forty years, Michael Jang decided to submit the photographs he took in his twenties of his native California for consideration to SFMOMA. This is how this story begins. Punk subculture, his Chinese-American family or David Bowie are just some of the stars of his black-and-white pictures. He captured the essence of California in the 1970s and ‘80s. Through his work, you can revive those eclectic years, even if you weren’t there. Now in his sixties, we talk with him about his book Who is Michael Jang (published by Atélier Editions), his exhibition at SFMOMA and why you should never give up.

Source: METAL

Artist Bianca Wilson’s Vivid Paintings Treat The World As A Series Of Color, Line, And Shape.

Artist Bianca Wilson’s Vivid Paintings Treat The World As A Series Of Color, Line, And Shape – IGNANT

Geometric buildings are the central subject of Australian artist Bianca Wilson’s paintings; her boldly colored artworks of manmade landscapes express her fascination with architectural forms.

Source: IGNANT

See Intimate Polaroids of Kate Moss, Photographed By Her Boyfriend, Nikolai von Bismarck.

See Intimate Polaroids of Kate Moss, Photographed By Her Boyfriend, Nikolai von Bismarck

Kate Moss—styled by Max Pearmain in sharp suits, vintage tees and chic cardigans—remains one of the most iconic faces in fashion.

Source: W MAG

Malin Bülow’s Art Uses Dancers In Elastic Garments To Investigate Tension In The Body.

Malin Bülow’s Art Uses Dancers In Elastic Garments To Investigate Tension In The Body – IGNANT

Oslo-based visual artist Malin Bülow mixes performance art and installation, in her stretchy, contemporary works she uses dancers draped in lycra garments to create tension…

Source: IGNANT