From thatched huts to Wakanda, a massive new architectural guide explores Sub-Saharan Africa
Philipp Meuser wanted to find a comprehensive look at the architecture of West Africa. When it didn’t exist, he and Adil Dalbai designed their own.
Philipp Meuser wanted to find a comprehensive look at the architecture of West Africa. When it didn’t exist, he and Adil Dalbai designed their own.
In Philipp Yuryev’s horror short Tale of the Dead a mysterious stranger visits a tavern with his unusual barrel organ to give a scary musical performance.
Alasdair McLellan photographs Maty, Mika, and a host of new faces.
Addictive beats, cheeky transitions, and Cran-Rasberry juice?
Zack Snyder’s new zombie-heist movie arrives as we find ourselves at the nadir of the zombiepocalypse era
Remember when Lindsay Lohan was Ungaro’s artistic director?
The emerging model—who is “Vogue” Mexico’s cover star this month—is bringing her traditional tattoos, authentic style, and activism work to the fashion world.
Thirty-four years after his death, the « Pope of Pop Art » continues to generate controversy. After initially winning in 2019, the Andy Warhol Foundation just lost the latest verdict in the trial between the foundation and photographer Lynn Goldsmith on Friday, March 26th 2021. The latter is accusing Andy Warhol of having used her portrait of Prince in the 1980s, without authorisation, to produce one of his famous silkscreens.
Designers spoke to our quarantined times in what we hope will be the final fashion month at home.
Réalisation : Romain PhilipponMixage : Fabien Aubert Reprise de Magnolias For Ever : Claude François / Etienne Roda-Gil / Jean-Pierre
Listen to ELETRIC here: Katy Perry Complete Collection on Spotify:âKaty Perry Essentials on App…
Song comes on the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder
Soon to arrive on the streaming platform are season two of Too Hot to Handle, Kevin Hart’s Fatherhood, and the (final?) season of Kim’s Convenience.
En 2014, la galeriste Marion Papillon initie le Paris Gallery Weekend, un parcours sur plusieurs jours guidant les visiteurs au sein des galeries d’art parisiennes. Le projet se renouvelle plusieurs fois par an et propose désormais 7 parcours originaux par quartiers et animés par des rencontres, vernissages, goûters et autres événements conviviaux. Pour sa nouvelle édition du 3 au 6 juin prochains, le Paris Gallery Weekend invite des acteurs du monde de l’art à raconter au fil d’un texte leur parcours personnel au sein de cette nouvelle programmation, publié chaque jour par Numéro jusqu’à l’événement. Aujourd’hui, découvrez la visite de la journaliste et critique d’art Marie Maertens.
Ahmad Kanu and Rahquise Bowen star in Savage x Fenty’s first-ever Pride campaign.
Watch the trailer for ‘Lisey’s Story’, directed by the guy making that Princess Diana movie with K-Stew.
During a record-breaking year for state legislative attacks against the transgender community, ELLE turned to experts and activists for a roundtable discussion about how we got here—and where the fight goes next.
About time: Parisâ famed Palais Galliera fashion museum is about to reopen next week, allowing visitors back into its hit exhibition on Gabrielle âCocoâ Chanel – and extending it until July 18.
Their work has ranged vastly—and helped define the profession as we know it today.
Gabriella Brooks channels fashion’s new mood: bold, big and bright in Tiffany & Co. for our May 2021 issue, on-stands now. Still havenât subscribed to Vogue …
“I really want to use Fang as a vehicle to turn toxic masculinity on its head.”
En matière de coiffure et de coupe de cheveux, Charlize Theron aime se faire plaisir. Que ce soit pour un rôle ou pour sa vie personnelle, l’actrice de 45 ans aime changer de look. Cette fois-ci, elle opte pour un roux, la coloration de l’année.
Colin Read’s inventive short Hobby examines all the new hobbies we started in lockdown, in a search for fulfillment…and their failures.
On her new album ‘Sensational’, the Copenhagen-based producer blends 90s R&B with turn-of-the-millennium club music.
Le réalisateur nous a accordé une longue interview pendant le confinement.
Les matières locales, biosourcées, ou upcyclées apparaissent comme des alternatives pour l’industrie de la mode qui tente de se réinventer. Derrière le lin ou la laine, le chanvre dispose d’arguments.
Le réalisateur d’Adieu les cons, qui ressort en salle, s’est confié au Parisien.
INSCRIVEZ-VOUS POUR VOIR LE PLAISIR DE LA MODE! trésor sorti des archives! En janvier 2015, j’ai filmé Karl Lagerfeld en train…
From making algae-sequin dresses, dyeing clothes with bacteria to planting trackable pigments in cotton, an emerging tide of innovations offers the fashion industry a chance to clean up its woeful environmental record.
Most people have felt a loss of control over the past year. One writer found listening to her vibrational energy gave a much-needed sense of stability