To audition for a role in the upcoming Christmas movie filming this September 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina…
Should live in the Charlotte area or very close surrounding area.
FIRST 2 NEEDED are for our Lead Cast members. These 2 will also work as PHOTO DOUBLES. MUST be available every day of filming We may have 2 sets of Stands Ins/Doubles for these characters with the additional set on an AS NEEDED bases.
Seeking those with previous Stand In or set experience if possible. However for double purposes, matching actors is most important.
SI #1 – CAUCASIAN BLONDE -5’7 -VERY THIN build. Should be willing to adjust hair to match if such is required. SUBMIT with heading S1 #1.
SI #2 – CAUCASIAN MALE -6’1 -FIT BUILD. BROWN HAIR .Should be willing to allow adjustment to hair if such is needed. Submit with heading SI #2
Submissions MUST include the following:
2 CURRENT photos/snapshots. 1 Headshot/Close up photo. 1 Full Length photo. These photos can be taken with a cell phone and should accurately reflect your current hair length and color, facial hair status for men.
Your Name, Phone (prefer cell), Age, City/State you reside, Height/Weight, Complete Clothing Sizes, Description and location of any visible Tattoos and Piercings
Please include any previous STAND IN , PHOTO DOUBLE OR SET EXPERIENCE.
YOUR SUBMISSIONS should be sent to with heading as listed above.